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Senior Citizens | Diabetes | Age related macular Degeneration | Computer User
The eye problems affecting computer users are so varied ,that they have been given the name Computer Vision Syndrome . Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a very real problem for many people who spend hours daily in front of a computer screen. Studies show that eye strain and other bothersome visual symptoms occur in 50 percent to 90 percent of computer workers.
These problems can cause physical fatigue, decreased productivity and increased numbers of work errors.

Here are steps both workers and employers can take to reduce computer eye strain and the other common symptoms of Computer use.
Get a Detailed Eye Check Up by a Eye Surgeon
This is the most important thing you can do to prevent or treat computer vision problems. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), computer users should have an eye exam before they start working on a computer and once a year thereafter. Be sure to tell your eye doctor  how often you use a computer at work and at home.
Minimize glare
Reflections and glare on the computer screen can cause computer eye strain. You can install an anti-glare screen on your monitor. If you wear glasses, have an anti-reflective (AR) coating applied to your lenses. AR coating reduces glare by minimizing the amount of light reflecting off the front and back surfaces of your eyeglass lenses.
Upgrade your display
If you have not already done so, replace your old tube-style monitor (called a cathode ray tube or CRT) with a flat-panel liquid crystal display (LCD), like those on laptop computers. LCD screens are easier on the eyes and usually have an anti-reflective surface. When choosing a new flat panel display, select a screen with the highest resolution possible. Finally, choose a relatively large display. For a desktop computer, select a display that has a screen size of at least 19 inches.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of your computer screen.
Adjust the display settings on your computer so the brightness of the screen is about the same as your work environment.
Black text on a white background is the best colour combination for your eyes. Adjusting how your monitor displays text can provide welcome eyestrain relief. Ideally, your text size should be three times the smallest text size you can read from your normal viewing position.
Blink more often.
Blinking is very important when working at a computer; it rewets your eyes to avoid dryness and irritation.

When working at a computer, people blink less frequently — about five times less than normally, according to studies.

Tears coating the eye evaporate more rapidly during long non-blinking phases and cause dry eyes.

Also, the air in many office environments is dry, which can increase the evaporation rate of your tears, placing you at greater risk for dry eye problems. If you experience dry eye symptoms, visit your eye doctor. Your Dr after examining the degree of severity will prescribe the appropriate eye lubricating drops.
Exercise your eyes.
A component of computer eye strain is focusing fatigue. To reduce your risk of tiring your eyes by constantly focusing on your screen, look away from your computer every 20 minutes and gaze at a distant object outside or down the hallway. Looking far away relaxes the focusing muscles inside the eye to reduce fatigue.
Another exercise is to look far away at an object for 10-15 seconds, then gaze at something up close for 10-15 seconds. Then look back at the distant object.

Do this 10 times. This exercise reduces the risk of your eyes' focusing ability to "lock up" (a condition called accommodative spasm) after prolonged computer work.

Both of these exercises will reduce your risk of computer eye strain. Remember also to blink frequently during the exercises to reduce your risk of computer-related dry eye.
Take frequent breaks.
To reduce your risk for computer vision syndrome and neck, back and shoulder pain, take frequent breaks during your computer work day. Small 5 minute breaks for every hour of work are recommended. Many workers take only one or two 15-minute breaks from their computer throughout their work day.
Modify your workstation.
If you need to look back and forth between a printed page and your computer screen, this can cause eye strain. Place written pages on a copy stand adjacent to the monitor. Position your computer screen 20 to 24 inches from your eyes. The center of your screen should be about.
To ease eye strain, make sure you use good lighting
and sit at a proper distance from the computer screen
10 to 15 degrees below your eyes for comfortable positioning of your head and neck.
Schedule a  Eye Check up with Dr Mongia
Lasik Clinic, Mumbai, India.
Mobile: +91 9820413602. / Email : lasereyesurgeon@yahoo.com / Website : www.lasikmumbai.net